For the best marketers, it’s all about the customer experience

It’s no secret why marketers in some organizations set themselves apart from the competition, according to a story in strategy+business.

In fact, stellar marketers consistently demonstrate nine specific traits, notes author David Clarke.

First and foremost, they have an understanding of the power of perspective.

“[Top marketers] must be multilingual — able to speak the language of multiple disciplines. And they must understand how to bring together experts from various backgrounds to orchestrate harmonic collaborations,” he notes.

Rounding out his top five traits are a passion for their work, a willingness to get in the trenches, a discerning eye and the ability to evolve.

Completing the list: a love for analytics, team building abilities, an ability to create “an environment for exploration” and a willingness to act as an “advocate-in-chief” for customers.

“Just as the CFO watches the bottom line and the CSO protects the company’s assets, the [chief marketer’s] role is to protect and improve the experience of the customer,” Clarke writes.