Many nursing facilities now are expanding into the field of subacute care, which serves patients needing complex care or rehabilitation. Subacute care is defined as comprehensive inpatient care designed for someone who has an acute illness, injury or exacerbation of a disease process. It is goal-oriented treatment rendered immediately after, or instead of, acute hospitalization to treat one or more specific active complex medical conditions or to administer one or more technically complex treatments, in the context of a person’s underlying long-term conditions and overall situation. Generally, the individual’s condition is such that the care does not depend heavily on high-technology monitoring or complex diagnostic procedures.

Subacute care requires the coordinated services of an interdisciplinary team including physicians, nurses and other relevant professional disciplines, who are trained and knowledgeable to assess and manage these specific conditions and perform the necessary procedures. Subacute care is given as part of a specifically defined program, regardless of the site.

This article originally appeared on McKnight's