With 100% participation and in time for Valentine’s Day, the more than 70 communities of Meridian Senior Living posted photos, stories and videos of residents sharing stories of how they proposed or were proposed to, using the hashtags #HowIProposed and #MeridianLove in February.

“Embracing the rich histories of our residents enhances us to live our mission: We enrich the lives of our residents, families and employees through extraordinary experiences … because Everyone Deserves A Great Life!’ ” said Principal and Chief Sales Officer Kevin Carlin.

At Oak Pointe of Warrenton in Warrenton, MO, Ron and Shirley shared that they were high school sweethearts who dated for four years before Ron took the advice of his father and proposed to avoid joining the Army. Ron calls Shirley “the absolute love of his life,” and they have been married for 50 years.

Click here to see the In Focus archive and read how to submit your photos for consideration.