Working hard and building networks are primary tools to success, according to Brookdale Senior Living CEO Lucinda “Cindy” Baier.

Baier was one member of a panel of women CEOs to discuss with Forbes lessons learned and advice for women on becoming leaders in their fields, and how men can help.

“And always remember that it’s really all about the team and the company, not about you. You’ve got to be focused on something bigger than yourself in order to be a great leader,” Baier told the business magazine.

Men can help women achieve their goals as well, she said. Mentoring women is not enough. Men must sponsor women in the workplace.

“Sponsors actively support you, talk up your abilities with others and help you gain those stretch assignments that lead to promotions. Men who want to help women become CEOs can also do so by sitting down and discussing business issues with them on a regular basis,” Baier said.

The CEO said that those in charge of hiring individuals for a job should interview a diverse group of candidates.

“Of course, the best candidate should be hired, but having a diverse slate provides women with the opportunity to compete,” she said.