McKnight’s Senior Living is a finalist for the prestigious Website of the Year award and five other awards in the 2019 American Society of Business Publication Editors’ Azbee Awards of Excellence competition. This year’s contest recognizes work completed in 2018.

Finalists in the national business-to-business journalism competition were announced Thursday. McKnight’s Senior Living is one of 10 media brands from across the country up for the Website of the Year title. Sister brand McKnight’s Long-Term Care News is a contender for Magazine of the Year and additional awards.

“Being on the finalist list for Website of the Year and Magazine of the Year reflects the phenomenal efforts of both McKnight’s teams in 2018,” said John O’Connor, vice president, associate publisher and editorial director of both McKnight’s brands. “It reflects both how we continue to grow in the digital space and continue to deliver comprehensive print magazines to our readers.”

McKnight’s Senior Living also is a national and regional finalist in the Web News Section and New or Relaunched Website categories and is a regional finalist in the Print News Section category for its bimonthly magazine.

Named on all of the McKnight’s Senior Living nominations is Senior Editor Lois A. Bowers, O’Connor and Art Director Mark Speakman. Additionally, Paula Fox, vice president of product management and ad operations at parent company Haymarket Media, is named on the New or Relaunched Website entry.

Regional award winners will be announced in April at events around the country, and national award winners will be announced May 9 at the ASBPE annual conference at The Poynter Institute in St. Petersburg, FL.