The senior living industry’s reinvention as a healthcare player just received a notable setback. In a court room, of all places. As McKnight’s Senior Living recently reported, a circuit court judge...
Dealing with senior living’s triple threat
John O'Connor
Oct 05, 2023
AHCA/NCAL President and CEO Mark Parkinson, addressing the opening session of the organizations’ 2023 convention, singled out three nightmares the long-term care sector finds itself dealing with.
What COVID-19 has taught senior living operators
John O'Connor
Mar 16, 2023
This might be a good time to size up COVID’s key lessons for senior living operators. Three clearly stick out.
Maybe the worst really is over
John O'Connor
Nov 10, 2022
For two solid years, the pandemic has been doing some very nasty things to the senior living sector. But if recent earnings calls are any indication, happier days may be here again.
A million tragedies
John O'Connor
May 19, 2022
More than one million people have died from COVID-19 in the U.S. And what was our nation’s general reaction? In a word: meh.
How is senior living surviving? Good question
John O'Connor
Mar 10, 2022
As we’re nearing an anniversary of sorts, this may be a good time to offer an assessment and some observations about senior living survival.
This shouldn’t be his decision to make
John O'Connor
Jan 20, 2022
This is one time when a governor’s decision to ignore the Supreme Court will come at a high cost. For others, that is.
Defenseless spending
John O'Connor
Dec 16, 2021
The hurdles to getting coronavirus relief stand in sharp contrast to the way lawmakers are tossing billions at defense contractors and other makers of industrial-grade weaponry.
It shouldn’t be a license to kill
John O'Connor
Nov 18, 2021
Introducing the Dumber Than A Box of Rocks Award. This ignoble prize recognizes leaders who flagrantly ignore the fact they are supposed to be in the caregiving field.
‘So often, you won’t even notice it’
John O'Connor
Oct 11, 2021
For many, it’s hard to appreciate how truly devastating the ongoing carnage of the coronavirus pandemic really is.