Lois A. Bowers
Lois A. Bowers

Last October, I was covering a premiere of the documentary “Glen Campbell: I’ll Be Me” at the LeadingAge annual meeting. Positioned in the second row behind the velvet rope, I held up my camera to take some photographs of the celebrities walking the red carpet. My short stature put me at a disadvantage.

A man in the front row turned his head in profile to me and offered to take some photographs, using my camera, from his better vantage point. I gratefully accepted his offer, and he reached back over his shoulder to accept my camera. Perhaps I recognized his face from the pages of a magazine or caught a glimpse of his name tag when he returned the camera to me, but at some point I realized that the helpful man in front of me was John O’Connor of McKnight’s Long-Term Care News and McKnight’s Assisted Living. I formally met him the next day when I ran into him in the press room, not knowing whether he knew that I was the one he had helped the previous evening. It may be just now, as he is reading this piece, that he becomes aware of that fact, but his courtesy that night made a lasting impression on me.

Now I’m pleased to join John and others in the McKnight’s expansion in the senior living space with a new website and social media efforts. They are additions to the print publication formerly known as McKnight’s Assisted Living and now known as McKnight’s Senior Living. And plenty of opportunities exist for you to join us and interact with your colleagues:

  • Is your community expanding, undertaking a unique initiative or welcoming new senior staff members? Let us know and we may share the news on our website.

  • Do you have a colorful, interesting or funny photograph that captures the essence of your community? Share it with us for the In Focus feature on our home page.

  • Would you like to contribute thoughts about or solutions to the challenges facing senior living? Offer to write a guest blog.

  • We encourage you to peruse the website, where you can read the latest news, perspectives and analyses as well as subscribe to McKnight’s Senior Living’s e-newsletter, Daily Briefing.

I’ve love to hear what you think about McKnight’s Senior Living—and senior living in general. Contact me [email protected] to share information and feedback.

We hope to make a lasting impression on you and on senior living.

Lois A. Bowers is senior editor of McKnight’s Senior Living. Follow her on Twitter at @Lois_Bowers.