John O'Connor illustration
McKnight’s Editorial Director John O’Connor
John O'Connor
John O’Connor

We’re certainly getting mixed signals about the relative health of the senior living sector these days.

Pessimists claim that many communities are on the brink of bankruptcy, or soon may be. The bullish crowd counters that for all the bad news that’s been taking place during the past two-ish years, a recovery is underway.

So which camp is right here? Both? Neither? We may get some answers next week.

For that’s when the 2022 NIC Fall Conference of the National Investment Center for Seniors Housing & Care kicks off in Washington, DC.

This annual soiree (which runs Sept. 14 to 16) is the premiere deal-making event in our field. It’s one that typically spawns a ridiculous amount of mergers, acquisitions and other new business. It’s also where scuttlebutt flows more freely than the nearby Potomac River.

To be sure, there will be plenty of informative sessions that take the market’s temperature. I think the following four will be particularly enlightening.

  • Why now is a good time to invest in senior housing
  • Economic and financial market outlook
  • Visions, insights and perspectives: A discussion with industry CEOs
  • Deal or no deal: Trends in senior housing capital markets

Of course, as always, the real action will be taking place elsewhere. As in, the dozens of suites capital providers will be working furiously for three days.

As always, we’ll be reporting on some of the most notable and interesting developments.

By the time things wrap up a week from Friday, we should have a much better diagnosis of where things now stand.

Should be an interesting three days. See you there?

John O’Connor is editorial director for McKnight’s Senior Living and its sister media brands, McKnight’s Long-Term Care News, which focuses on skilled nursing, and McKnight’s Home Care. Read more of his columns here.