Melora Jackson

Studies show that the best learning outcomes for adults are achieved through simulation and experiential methods.

Lectures and training videos have poor, short-lived results. Effective experiential tools are essential for adult learners to be successful in workforce development, but if the training is based on ideas without study, you could be doing more harm than good.

Scientifically researched training tools offer assurances that do-it-yourself and knock-off training programs cannot ensure:

  • Accurate representation of the condition(s) be simulated. If it hasn’t been tested, then how do you know that it is not “snake oil,” something that purports to be effective but is not legitimate?
  • Quality as evidenced by funding from outside sources. Granting bodies often require that interventions and trainings be evidence-based. Most governmental resources and foundations will fund only what has been shown to be effective.  
  • The meeting of, and often exceeding of, federal regulations such as quality assurance performance improvement for care or services. Compliance outcomes increase when training with strong clinical integrity is implemented.

Benefits of using scientifically researched training tools include:

  • You can proclaim a level of quality assurance to your customers that would be false advertising if it isn’t rigorously researched.
  • The training will be approved for continuing education credits. If it is not sound, then it is not likely to meet criteria for most CE-granting disciplines.
  • You can offer pre- and post-outcome measures to ensure that learning has taken place. When the efficacy of a training can be shown, chances are good that the evidence of efficacy also will show in the provision of services and person-centered care.

One of the biggest bonuses, however, is ensuring that residents are receiving attentive, person-centered care.  When this happens, there is a lessening of psychotropic medication, fewer hospitalizations for behavior challenges and staff members that are building relationships with their residents. From the care worker perspective, there is a better understanding of how to accomplish care more easily and with less stress. Better job satisfaction means better productivity and less of a revolving door for the hiring team.

Evidence-based simulation trainings are best practices that will yield better-trained staff and, in turn, better care and service.