Doctor charged with abusing residents
Doctor charged with abusing residents

A Miami-based physician has been charged with two counts of neglecting an elderly or disabled adult.

Raul Arcadio Tamayo, M.D., 66, was running two unlicensed assisted living communities in the Florida Keys, police reports allege. He and an assistant, Amarylis Maristan, reportedly cared for six women over the age of 80. The residents had diagnoses of memory loss and were incontinent.

“[Dr. Tamayo] is accused of knowing the facilities were unlicensed, and of knowing the woman who supervised the facilities was not medically trained in any way is accused of failing to provide care for the elderly patients at the facilities and for falsifying records to indicate he was providing care,” according to a statement from the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department. Bond has been set at $200,000.

The case was triggered when one of the residents was admitted to a hospital for cardiac arrest. She also had multiple pressure sores and was covered in urine, according to police reports.