Residents from Inspīr Carnegie Hill enjoyed a Scout-themed dinner with Cub Scouts from Pack 209. (Photo courtsey of Inspīr Carnegie Hill)

The fourth point of the Scout Law states: “Be a friend to everyone, even people who are very different from you.” Cub Scout Pack 209 embodied this value when they were invited for a night scout-themed food and conversation with residents at Inspīr Carnegie Hill, said Sloane Limoncelli, executive director of Inspīr.

“[With] that natural curiosity that children have and being able to ask questions, there really was a lot of connection and a lot of positive impact on the young adults,” Limoncelli said. “Seeing that there were a lot of similarities [in their scouting experiences] from tying knots to sailing to camping [led to] some fantastic connections.” 

Many of the residents who joined the dinner crowd had a relationship with scouting in their youth or as an adult leader. In keeping with the theme, the dinner courses prepared by Inspīr’s kitchen staff — such as tacos, burgers and (of course) s’mores — were inspired by campout fare. One food-savvy scout even got a chance to tour the kitchen with a new friend.  

“One of the scouts was really into cooking. I think he’s about 10 years old,” Limoncelli said. “He made a great connection with our culinary director, Stephen. Stephen ended up taking him on a tour of the kitchens downstairs.”

The event not only was an opportunity for residents to reconnect with their childhood but a chance for the younger scouts to expand their horizons, according to Limoncelli. Sometimes, the best way to grow is to immerse oneself in unfamiliar situations. 

“It builds empathy and understanding. They’re at a great age where they’re uninhibited by what they ask. ‘Do you know why he is in a wheelchair?’ or ‘How come you can’t read the menu? Can I read it for you?’” Limoncelli said. “They want to share what’s going on with them, and it’s so nonjudgmental. It’s learning, I think it really increases the younger adults’ perspective on the world.”

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