
A new law in Ohio is designed in part to protect people with guardians.

House Bill 595, sponsored by state Reps. Robert Cupp and Jeff Rezabek and signed into law Dec. 21 by outgoing Gov. John Kasich, among other things allows county probate courts to establish adult guardianship services boards and funds to provide for the oversight of services and care for those under guardianship.

It unanimously passed in the Ohio House and Senate.

“Cutting red tape for county courts to work together to provide services to individuals under guardianship could save time, money for the individual, their families/caregivers, and the state,” AARP State Director Barbara A. Sykes said in a statement. “Additionally, when state courts work together on such cases, they could not only be more efficient and effective, but they could also potentially detect signs of abuse and exploitation earlier in the legal process.”