logo for Argentum LEAD program
logo for Argentum LEAD program

Argentum has launched a new senior living leadership development initiative and is accepting nominations for participants from upper-level executives who are among the organization’s owner/operator members.

Participants in the Leadership Advancement and Development (LEAD) program must be employed by an owner/operator Argentum member company at the regional or corporate level and must be able to complete all elements of the program. Company CEOs, chief operating officers or senior human resources professionals must nominate them.

“As an industry, we’re at risk of falling behind in knowledge transfer and succession planning, and the LEAD program helps to address this,” Argentum President and CEO James Balda said in a statement announcing the program.

All participants will design a year-long program tailored to their individual career objectives and the needs of their organizations. Participants will have access to relevant Argentum committees and Executive Roundtable networks; membership in the Senior Living Works Ambassador program; the opportunity to interact with industry leaders at Argentum’s events, such as the Public Policy Institute, the Senior Living Executive Conference and the Senior Living Symposium; and access to a one-day “Disney’s Approach to Leadership Excellence” program delivered by the Disney Institute on May 18 during the Senior Living Executive Conference in Tampa, FL.

“Future leaders require skills such as emotional intelligence, advanced communication capabilities and increased flexibility and resilience,” Balda said. “For the LEAD program, we’re seeking a diverse representation of skills and backgrounds so our industry can meet current and future challenges head on with strength.”

For a full list of requirements and program details, and to access the nomination form, visit argentum.org/lead-program.