Young professionals around a table
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The American Health Care Association / National Center for Assisted Living’s new Diversity Executive Leadership Program, announced Monday, “is about offering long-term care professionals from underrepresented and marginalized groups support, access and opportunities for leadership, which ultimately benefits everyone,” a representative of the organizations told the McKnight’s Business Daily.

AHCA / NCAL also will “gain increased access to a diverse pool of talented, engaged members and leaders such as committee members and chairs, board members, AHCA Council of States representatives and NCAL state leaders,” the association said in a statement.

The organization is accepting applications through June 9 for 10 openings. Applicants must be from an underrepresented and marginalized group, must be employed by an AHCA / NCAL provider member facility in good standing, must work as a mid- to senior-level or C-suite professional, and must have at least three years of experience in mid- to senior-level long term-care management positions or at least one year as a C-suite executive. AHCA / NCAL also will consider an applicant’s professional, volunteer or civic/community leadership experience.

During the two-year program, participants will receive reimbursement for registration and travel expenses to attend a variety of events. Orientation kicks off Sept. 12 to 13 in Washington, D.C. First-year participants also will attend AHCA / NCAL’s Future Leaders Symposium during the same time period in Washington, D.C.

During the second year, participants will experience the political ambassadors program. During both years of the program, participants will attend the AHCA / NCAL Annual Convention & Expo as well as the AHCA / NCAL Congressional Briefing.

Read more NCAL-related articles here.