Midsection of senior man booking online appointment on mobile phone at table
(Credit: Klaus Vedfelt / Getty Images)

More and more long-term care facilities are now able to cater to Medicare patients 24/7 by combining in-person and virtual physician access.

Benefits provider LTC ACO announced a “deepening collaboration” with Third Eye Health to provide virtual urgent care to patients, the two companies announced Monday.

Long-term care facility operators will now be able to use Third Eye Health doctors and nurses on weekends and after hours at no additional cost, the companies said in a joint statement.

Third Eye Health’s platform allows for one-touch access to physicians through a phone or tablet.

Third Eye Health and LTC ACO first partnered in 2021. 

LTC ACO became the first ACO to serve Medicare beneficiaries in long-term care facilities in 2016; the provider served over 8,000 beneficiaries as of 2021, according to this report.

Since the pandemic, the ability for Medicare patients to access telehealth services has gained increasing importance, and providers continue to find ways to facilitate telehealth options, which also helps physicians and care staff avoid burnout.

“Telemedicine is an increasingly important tool for providing care to patients in long-term care settings,” said LTC ACO CEO Jason Feuerman in a statement. “By leveraging this technology, we can provide timely and convenient access to medical expertise, reduce hospital readmissions and ultimately improve patient outcomes.”

Feuerman recently touted Accountable Care Organizations, such as LTC ACO, for participation in the Medicare Shared Savings Program and its ability to save costs for long-term care facilities.

“As healthcare costs continue to rise, it is increasingly important for long-term care providers to focus on value-based care systems that prioritize quality outcomes for patients while simultaneously reducing unnecessary spending,” Feuerman told McKnight’s.