Old woman enjoying virtual reality simulator
VR may be able to assist with cancer pain for seniors. (Credit: RGStudio / Getty Images)

No technology yet can cure cancer in 10 minutes. But in this short time frame, virtual reality tools could help mitigate cancer-related pain.

Study participants who used a virtual reality program that involved a “calm, pleasant environment” showed meaningful pain relief over a 24-hour period. Although the 10-minute session won’t magically erase pain symptoms, the intervention could be a welcome alternative to medication options such as opioids.

In addition, many senior living communities now have VR equipment that could be used for this purpose.

Opioid painkiller prescriptions are “very common” in long-term care settings, according to the US Department of Health and Human Services. In addition to their addictive properties, problematic symptoms of opioid use for older adults include sedation, cognitive impairment and increased falling risk, studies show.

“Perhaps one day, patients living with cancer pain will be prescribed a VR therapy to use at home to improve their pain experience,” study author Hunter Groninger, MD, said in a statement.

The VR research involved adults with a variety of cancer types who had reported moderate to severe pain prior to the study. Half of the participants were given the VR treatment, whereas the rest were given a two-dimensional “guided imagery distraction.” Somewhat surprisingly, the latter group also experienced some pain relief, but the VR cohort experienced stronger positive effects, the researchers found.

Although the researchers claim the study is the first to investigate VR pain management in cancer patients, at least one previous study looked at how VR, in conjunction with a stationary bicycle, could address chronic pain. 

In addition, VR experts have speculated that older adults could have access to VR “treatment rooms,” which would give virtual access to therapy and pain treatment options for seniors with mobility issues.